zabbix_agentd.conf 文件添加自定义键值
UserParameter=mysql.slave[],/etc/zabbix/scripts/mysqlmonitor.sh $1
UserParameter=mysql.statsvp[],/etc/zabbix/scripts/chk_mysql.sh $1
UserParameter=mysqluser.check[],/etc/zabbix/scripts/mysql_user_check.sh $1
chk_mysql.sh 性能
#!/bin/bash # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # FileName: check_mysql.sh # Revision: 1.0 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright: # License: GPL # 用户名 MYSQL_USER='root' # 密码 MYSQL_PWD='密码' # 主机地址/IP MYSQL_HOST='localhost' # 端口 MYSQL_PORT='3306' # 数据连接 MYSQL_CONN="/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u${MYSQL_USER} -p${MYSQL_PWD} -h${MYSQL_HOST} -P${MYSQL_PORT}" # 参数是否正确 if [ $# -ne "1" ];then echo "arg error!" fi # 获取数据 case $1 in Uptime) result=`${MYSQL_CONN} status 2>/dev/null |cut -f2 -d":"|cut -f1 -d"T"` echo $result ;; Com_update) result=`${MYSQL_CONN} extended-status 2>/dev/null |grep -w "Com_update"|cut -d"|" -f3` echo $result ;; Slow_queries) result=`${MYSQL_CONN} status 2>/dev/null |cut -f5 -d":"|cut -f1 -d"O"` echo $result ;; Com_select) result=`${MYSQL_CONN} extended-status 2>/dev/null |grep -w "Com_select"|cut -d"|" -f3` echo $result ;; Com_rollback) result=`${MYSQL_CONN} extended-status 2>/dev/null |grep -w "Com_rollback"|cut -d"|" -f3` echo $result ;; Questions) result=`${MYSQL_CONN} status 2>/dev/null |cut -f4 -d":"|cut -f1 -d"S"` echo $result ;; Com_insert) result=`${MYSQL_CONN} extended-status 2>/dev/null |grep -w "Com_insert"|cut -d"|" -f3` echo $result ;; Com_delete) result=`${MYSQL_CONN} extended-status 2>/dev/null |grep -w "Com_delete"|cut -d"|" -f3` echo $result ;; Com_commit) result=`${MYSQL_CONN} extended-status 2>/dev/null |grep -w "Com_commit"|cut -d"|" -f3` echo $result ;; Bytes_sent) result=`${MYSQL_CONN} extended-status 2>/dev/null |grep -w "Bytes_sent" |cut -d"|" -f3` echo $result ;; Bytes_received) result=`${MYSQL_CONN} extended-status 2>/dev/null |grep -w "Bytes_received" |cut -d"|" -f3` echo $result ;; Com_begin) result=`${MYSQL_CONN} extended-status 2>/dev/null |grep -w "Com_begin"|cut -d"|" -f3` echo $result ;; Threads_connected) result=`${MYSQL_CONN} extended-status 2>/dev/null |grep -w "Threads_connected"|cut -d"|" -f3` echo $result ;; Threads_running) result=`${MYSQL_CONN} extended-status 2>/dev/null |grep -w "Threads_running"|cut -d"|" -f3` echo $result ;; Innodb_row_lock_current_waits) result=`${MYSQL_CONN} extended-status 2>/dev/null |grep -w "Innodb_row_lock_current_waits"|cut -d"|" -f3` echo $result ;; Exec_long_time) result=`mysql -u${MYSQL_USER} -p${MYSQL_PWD} -h${MYSQL_HOST} -P${MYSQL_PORT} -e "SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.processlist WHERE COMMAND<>'Sleep' AND TIME >60 AND info IS NOT NULL AND user NOT IN ('root','event_scheduler','system user ','master','repl','repl1') " 2> /dev/null |sed 1d ` echo $result ;; *) echo "Usage:$0(Uptime|Com_update|Slow_queries|Com_select|Com_rollback|Questions|Com_insert|Com_delete|Com_commit|Bytes_sent|Bytes_received|Com_begin|Threads_connected|Threads_running|Innodb_row_lock_current_waits|Exec_long_time)" ;; esac
#!/bin/bash #Desc:用于获取主从同步信息,判断主从是否出现异常,然后提交给zabbix USER="root" PASSWD="密码" NAME=$1 function IO { Slave_IO_Running=`/usr/bin/mysql -u $USER -p$PASSWD -e "show slave status\G;" 2> /dev/null |grep Slave_IO_Running |awk '{print $2}'` if [[ $Slave_IO_Running == "Yes" ]];then echo 0 else echo 1 fi } function SQL { Slave_SQL_Running=`/usr/bin/mysql -u $USER -p$PASSWD -e "show slave status\G;" 2> /dev/null |grep Slave_SQL_Running: |awk '{print $2}'` if [[ $Slave_SQL_Running == "Yes" ]];then echo 0 else echo 1 fi } function Second { Second=`/usr/bin/mysql -u $USER -p$PASSWD -e "show slave status\G;" 2> /dev/null |grep Seconds_Behind_Master: |awk '{print $2}'` echo $Second } case $NAME in io) IO ;; sql) SQL ;; second) Second ;; *) echo -e "Usage: $0 [io | sql |second]" esac
echo `netstat -atnp |grep 3306 |wc -l`
# cat discovery_mysql_user.sh #!/bin/bash /usr/bin/mysql -uroot -密码 -e"SELECT count(*) num,user FROM information_schema.processlist WHERE user NOT IN ('root','event_scheduler','system user','master','repl','repl1') group by user having num>5 order by num desc ;" > /etc/zabbix/scripts/zabbix_mysql_user_count.txt 2>/dev/null proc_array=(`tail -n +2 /etc/zabbix/scripts/zabbix_mysql_user_count.txt | awk '{a[$NF]+=$1}END{for(k in a)print a[k],k}'|cut -d" " -f2`) length=${#proc_array[@]} printf "{\n" printf '\t'"\"data\":[" for ((i=0;i<$length;i++)) do printf "\n\t\t{" printf "\"{#USER_NAME}\":\"${proc_array[$i]}\"}" if [ $i -lt $[$length-1] ];then printf "," fi done printf "\n\t]\n" printf "}\n"
# cat mysql_user_check.sh #!/bin/bash process=$1 mysql_user_count=`tail -n +2 /etc/zabbix/scripts/zabbix_mysql_user_count.txt | awk '{a[$NF]+=$1}END{for(k in a)print a[k],k}' | grep -w $1 | cut -d" " -f1` echo "$mysql_user_count"
chmod 777 discovery_mysql_user.sh mysql_user_check.sh zabbix_mysql_user_count.txt
zabbix_get -p10050 -k ‘discovery.mysqluser’ -s ip
zabbix_get -p10050 -k ‘mysqluser.check[user]’ -s ip
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